Conditions Vet Resource Group Handles

Vet Resource Group can provide consultations, opinions, and exams for nearly all medical conditions. There are so many conditions recognized by the VA, it would be impossible to list them all here. If you have any questions concerning your diagnosed condition(s) and are curious if Vet Resource Group can help, call and speak with one of our disability consultants today!

Agent Orange Exposure

Agent Orange

Agent Orange

Agent Orange has had debilitating effects on Veterans who served in Vietnam and/or Korea and there is a litany of evidence supporting the link between Agent Orange exposure and a plethora of medical conditions and disorders. If you were exposed to Agent Orange, we may be able to help you obtain a nexus letter or DBQ for your condition.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


38 CFR (§§ 3.304 & 4.125)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that develops after exposure to a traumatic or terrifying event in which severe physical harm occurred or was threatened.  If your PTSD is attributable to your time in the military, we can help you obtain a nexus letter or DBQ for PTSD.

Psychiatric (Mental Health)


38 CFR (§§ 3.310 & 4.125 & 4.130)

Some of the most common mental health conditions Veterans suffer from are depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar, panic, adjustment, and mood disorders.  If your mental health condition is attributable to your time in the military, Vet Resource Group can help you obtain a nexus letter or respective DBQ.



38 CFR (§§ 4.40 – 4.73)

The military is physically demanding profession and can leave veterans with chronic conditions.  Injuries involving the back, knees, arms, hips, shoulders, ankles, and other joints are commonly experienced while on active duty.  We can help you obtain a nexus letter or respective DBQ for your orthopedic condition(s).

Nerve and Neurology


38 CFR (§§ 4.120 – 4.124a)

The most common conditions are migraines, headaches, neuropathy, radiculopathy, paresthesia, sciatica, Bell’s palsy and carpal tunnel.  Veterans can be compensated for conditions affecting the nervous system for each body extremity affected.  We can help you obtain a nexus letter or DBQ for your condition(s).

Employability (TDIU)


38 CFR (§§ 4.16)

If your service-connected conditions render you incapable of sustaining gainful employment, you may be entitled to an increased disability rating.  If you qualify per VA guidelines, and you are not earning over the poverty threshold (about 12K a year), you may only be a nexus letter away from being awarded 100% TDIU.

Other Conditions We Handle

Other Conditions We Handle

Other Conditions

There are too many conditions recognized by the VA to provide all of them here.  Some of the other conditions we handle, including, but not limited to, are sleep apnea, sleep disorders, infectious diseases, immune disorders, nutritional deficiencies, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, endocrine, skin, and visual.